Online personal fitness training and coaching
Individualized. Customized. Goal-oriented. We will design your program around your goals, profession, time available and overall abilities. Age, injuries and general wear and tear will be assessed and considered. We will use an internet interface to communicate and work together. Contact us to learn more!

Personal Fitness Training
Any reasonable age, gender or ability. Our dynamic personal fitness training is innovative, challenging and motivating. Your individualized sessions will help you increase back health, cardiovascular/muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility/mobility, balance, coordination and bone mass. Weight loss and a lean body are the natural results of consistent full-body workouts. Let us show you how fun and creative working out can be.

(GPP)- General Physical Preparedness
General Physical Preparedness at Elite Fitness Israel is full body muscular conditioning, building endurance by moving through exercise circuits multiple times. GPP programming, over time, leads to more advanced training and or more (SPP) Special Physical Preparedness or for Sport Specific Training, examples of which may include tactical, athletic performance, powerlifting , back health , a combination of things or something else entirely. All programming starts here with a general assessment of posture, strength and movement patterns.

Back Health
Back health begins with general physical preparedness (GPP) and full body muscular conditioning as well as specific exercises to target the core, abdominals, posterior chain, and finally lower back. Other exercises will include taking pressure off the spine as well as focusing on creating longevity and health in the client. Ultimately, building strength first, will lead to bench, squat and deadlift strength which will translate into better well-being and overall functioning.

Pre -army programming
Pre -army programming starts with (GPP) full body conditioning and posterior chain building for a well-conditioned back as well as anterior chain. The next level of training leads to (SPP) and more specific strength training of the posterior chain, including calves, hamstrings, glutes , lower back , the rest of the backside and the anterior chain. (HIIT) training will be utilized to teach the toleration of increased aerobic and anaerobic thresholds and overcoming the want to quit. Students will learn to bear weight properly, building the proper supporting muscle groups to help reduce risk of injury. Those currently serving will concentrate on maintaining strength, de-loading and decompressing the spine and will use the specialty equipment only found in Elite Fitness Israel to do so. These candidates will come into the gym when they are in the area to continue to maintain their back and knee health and to continue to work at reducing risk. Post army former lochomim are welcome back to continue their training, rehab injuries or just decompress their spine before travelling and or further studies.

HIIT - High-Intensity Interval Training
A form of cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT will be included in more advanced pre-army training when the candidate has advanced through proper development and general physical preparedness to more (SSP) Sport Specific Preparedness. At this point, the student will have developed a strong core and posterior chain through powerlifting and the multiple methods utilized to reach such ends.

The natural outcome of proper (GPP) General Physical Preparedness leads to more sophisticated and nuanced programming in powerlifting. GPP for powerlifting will be specific to strengthening weaknesses in either upper body or lower body. Powerlifting includes the three major lifts of Bench press, Squat and Deadlift. The ultimate goal being personal records in 1 rep maximum lifts developed over a long period of training time. Included in this endeavor will be separate upper body days and lower body days. The concentration will include Wenning warm-ups, core work-out, accessory/supplemental lifts and finishers. Overall programming is influenced by the Conjugate system as developed by Louis Simmons at the renowned Westside Barbell and Matt Wenning's system as developed and taught at Ludus Magnus, both located in Columbus, Ohio. This includes max effort, dynamic effort and the repetition method. Initial strength building will encompass a thorough progressive overload program.

Men's and women's classes, as all classes, start with overall body muscular conditioning, build proper motor movement patterns and back health, strengthen the core, abdominals, posterior chain and lower back. Once the (GPP) is developed adequately students move toward a strength first approach to bench press, squat, and deadlift followed by supplemental accessory exercises to assist getting stronger in these lifts while focusing on strengthening the weak links. Special attention is focused on proper practice, set-up/technique, not making mistakes with special emphasis and consideration to age and abilities.

Boys starting at age 12 onwards, as in all classes, start with age appropriate overall body muscular conditioning, build proper motor movement patterns and back health, strengthen the core, abdominals, posterior chain and lower back. Once the (GPP) is developed adequately, students move toward a strength first approach to bench press, squat, and deadlift followed by supplemental accessory exercises to assist getting stronger in these lifts while focusing on strengthening the weak links. Special attention is focused on proper practice, set-up/technique and not making mistakes.

Girls starting at 12 and onwards start with age appropriate overall body muscular conditioning, build proper motor movement patterns and back health, strengthen the core, abdominals, posterior chain and lower back. Once the (GPP) is developed adequately students move toward a strength first approach to bench press, squat, and deadlift followed by supplemental accessory exercises to assist getting stronger in these lifts while focusing on strengthening the weak links. Special attention is focused on proper practice, set-up/technique and not making mistakes.

Massage Therapy and Bodywork
Benefit from our 30 plus years of massage therapy and bodywork experience. We specialize in numerous massage modalities including: Swedish, shiatsu, sport injury, pre and post event sport massage and deep tissue bodywork.
​In the comfort and convenience of your own home, enjoy a relaxing massage after a stressful workday. Ease tired muscles after a strenuous workout. Feel rejuvenated!